Monday, March 29, 2010


Last one quick, then we are off to the zoo. It is also the Monday of Holy Week today which means I probably won't do any more posts for a week or so (lots of family visits, traveling, cleaning, enjoying the spring weather and recovering from all of that) in the next week or so.
Yesterday after church Logon got a mini chocolate chip cookie. He is a slow and picky eater so he was still eating it in the car on the way home. At one point, he said 'here mommy'. I turned around to look at him, he looked very proud and that 'I love you' look on his face as he handed me a chocolate chip. Anyone who has seen my son eat a cookie will know how much of an honor it was to be handed a chocolate chip. The same way most kids will dig through their bowl of Lucky Charms to find all the marshmallows, then be done with breakfast once they are gone, Logon will eat the chocolate chips from a cookie then ask for another one or be done.
It made me think about our offerings to God. I had allowed Logon to have that cookie. (I would say I gave it to him, but he found the table with the cookies and picked it out himself). I could have had (maybe I did) a whole brownie if I wanted it. I didn't need the chocolate chip. But when he handed to me out of love, I appreciated that chocolate chip more than a whole brownie. Kinda like the widow's mites - small and meaningless to most people. But to know who the gift is coming from, and how much they are giving and out of love, it makes it so much more wonderful. God gives us all the cookies we need and then some - the least we can do is give him back a chocolate chip or two :-)

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful Sarah!
    I didn't know God had gifted you with such insight! I love this. All your posts give glory to our Maker. :D
